What is SAGA - Microservices?


In software engineering, a saga is a design pattern that is used to manage and maintain data consistency in distributed systems.

It is often used in complex business transactions that involve multiple steps, where each step may update multiple data sources or services.

The saga pattern breaks down the transaction into smaller, discrete steps that can be individually managed and rolled back if necessary. This helps to ensure that data is consistent across all systems, even in the event of a failure or error in one or more of the steps.

The saga pattern is typically implemented using a combination of event-driven architecture, message brokers, and compensating transactions.

In software engineering, the saga pattern is a design pattern used to maintain data consistency across multiple services in a distributed system.

It is often used in complex business transactions where multiple services or systems need to be updated in a transactional manner. The saga pattern helps to ensure that data is consistent across all systems even if some steps in the transaction fail.

The saga pattern is typically implemented using a sequence of local transactions that are coordinated using messaging between services. Each service performs its part of the transaction and publishes a message indicating its success or failure. If a failure occurs, the saga can be rolled back by sending compensating messages to undo the changes that have been made up to that point.

The saga pattern is useful in microservices architectures, where multiple services need to be coordinated to perform a single transaction. It can also be used to handle long-running transactions that may span multiple services or systems.

 The saga pattern breaks down a long-running transaction into smaller, discrete steps, each of which is a self-contained transaction. Each step is performed by a separate service or data source, and the overall transaction is coordinated by a saga coordinator.

The coordinator manages the sequence of steps and ensures that the transaction progresses or rolls back as a whole. If a step fails, the coordinator triggers a compensating transaction to undo the changes made by previous steps.

The saga pattern is often implemented using a combination of event-driven architecture, message brokers, and compensating transactions. It provides a way to ensure that data is consistent across all systems, even in the event of a failure or error in one or more of the steps.




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